Latest Episodes
Abide – Diligence
We continue our "Abide-Podcast" with a reflection on the next Christian virtue. This week's virtue is "diligence".

Chapel – Rev. Kaarina Hsieh
This week, the Rev. Kaarina Hsieh (MDiv '98) returns to our pulpit. Since 2012 Kaarina has served as the Lead Pastor of Parkway Forest Community Church in Toronto. Pre...

Chapel – Dr. James Robertson
We are pleased to welcome back to our pulpit Dr. James Robertson, Associate Professor of Christian History and Director of Distributed Learning at Tyndale. James' mess...

Chapel – Matt Naismith
We are very pleased to welcome Pastor Matt Naismith (BRE '09), the Director of the C3 Canadian Campus Collective, host of The Sowers Podcast, and a church planting cat...

Abide – Humility
Lizzie Reynolds continues to lead us contemplatively and meditatively as we look at the Christian virtues. This week's virtue is "humility".